Saturday, January 08, 2005

I got to see the baby!

Well I got to go to the doctor on Thursday and I was thrilled to find out that I'd get to do an ultrasound:) I got to hear the heartbeat (160 bpm) and see the little baby on the screen, and of course they printed out a picture so I could show everyone. I'll try to get it on here sometime but I'm not near a scanner right now unfortunately. Other than that I found out my due date is much earlier than I thought. It is August 14, 2005. That means I am almost 9 weeks along! They measured the baby on the U/S and figured it that way. Well not too much else to report, but my next appointment is Feb 3rd... And much to my happiness the doctor said that I don't have to feel guilty about drinking caffeine. Not that I drink much stuff with caffeine anyway, but at least I know that it's not that big a deal every once in a while... More later!

1 comment:

BrandyNicole said...

Marcie yaaay. Wow August 14. I'm glad you started a blog. Its cool to use it as your pregnancy journal. If you want people to be able to comment that don'y have blogs you'll have to go in and change your settings. I had to sign in in order to sign it. But then again you might not want comments I don't know. By the way William and I got a puppy a few days ago. Her name is Katie Bear. Well gotta run. Love ya lots.