Thursday, September 01, 2005

He's Here!!!


We went in to induce labor on Wednesday August 24, 2005. I was 10 days overdue at that point. We arrived at 5:30 in the Emergency Room and got to go up to Labor and Delivery. At about 8, after antibiotics and prep stuff, I finally got started on the pitocin to start labor... About 8:15 the doctor came in and decided to break my water to accelerate things. Well right after he did that, Bryce's heartrate dropped from around 130 to the 50s and 60s and they couldn't get it to come back up... So we were off in about 3 minutes to have an emergency C-section!! It was scary there for a few minutes, but before long I was completely under and they were pulling him out!

He was born August 24 at 8:39 a.m. weighing in at 8 lbs 10 oz. He was 21 inches long. He and I are doing great :) He was a week yesterday and he is generally either eating or sleeping. Right now he is sitting in his bouncer chair wide awake but yawning :) Here are a few pics to enjoy...

This is one of me seeing him for the first time when I woke up:

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Our Little Burrito:

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Going home in his Texas A&M Jersey:

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