Thursday, November 16, 2006

Only 18 weeks left!

This semester is going by really quickly! It seems like we just started school... And now we only have 18 weeks til our due date! Thanksgiving is a week from today and we get time off school for that. Plus in another 3 weeks we get 2 more weeks off. Shawn was just saying last night that he was really glad he wasn't working at FedEx right now. If he was it would be long hours and lots of freight to deliver this time of year. Plus no 3 weeks of vacation in one month! We are really blessed to be able to have the schedule that the school keeps.

Well, Shawn is going to be having surgery on his knee. He has a hole in it from a piece of loose bone that has been moving around in there... December 12th is the big day!

We are trying to get things put away and presentable for my Aunt Susie to come this weekend along with some of my cousins. It should be fun:) Our house is still a disaster area since we are still moving things in and around, and since we still have a lot of stuff left from Shawn's parents. But we are getting there! Our living room, bedroom, and kitchen look pretty good, but Bryce's room and the extra bedroom and bathroom need some help.

Ok, back to school stuff now :)

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Halloween Pics

These are pictures I took on Halloween but I couldn't get them to post. We are in my classroom at school... Bryce didn't wear an actual costume but we had these pumpkin pajamas so that worked :)