Monday, May 21, 2007

Our first girl leaving...

Well we have been doing some respite care for about a week and a half. That just means short term care for a foster child so the actual foster parents can have some time away. But this time it was for a transition to a new foster home. It has gone pretty well. I can't really say much on here because of confidentiality issues, but I think we are going to do well as foster parents. I like having another person around, and it's fun watching Shawn. He spoils her more than I would! (We also know her from school. Shawn has her for fourth grade math and science.) Anyway, she is leaving Friday to go to her new home, and the people she will be staying with seem really nice. We are licensed now, so we are still hoping to have two other girls placed with us that we also know from school... We'll see what happens!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Before and after Henry

These are a couple of pictures that I never got to put on here! The first is (obviously) a picture before I had Henry. The second was taken on Cinco de Mayo (5-5-07).

Henry's 2 months old!

Well we had Henry's 2 month appointment on Monday and he is now 12 lbs. 7 oz, 22.5 inches long, and his head circumference is 40 cm.

This is up from 7 lbs 11 oz, 20 inches at birth. I don't remember head circumference... But all is well with him. He got 3 shots and an oral vaccine, but he did really well. He is usually fussier than Bryce was, but when he got his shots he only screamed once. Once! And then he just sat there. Later he was a little fussy, but no more than usual really.

Brandy is due late July, so she doesn't have long left. Sarah is getting married in June. And Kristen is coming down to Houston for the wedding also. And Brandy's baby shower will probably be that weekend, too. I get to see all my best friends (except my sister) in the same weekend! I am excited. So here is the countdown to June 22nd~ 38 days to go!

Friday, May 04, 2007

so we have been in the process of getting licensed for foster care since December. It is now May and we are still doing things... We had to switch agencies which meant we had to redo a lot of our inspections and training.

We are almost there! We have a shortened version of a homestudy this afternoon since our first one is only two months old, and we have to get our well water tested, and then we will be done (again)! We are hoping for two girls that we know from school and who were moved to a different foster family after their foster dad died in an accident. We'll see what happens in the next few weeks!