Friday, August 19, 2005


Well it is now 5 days past our due date!

I went to the doctor yesterday and no progress... So Monday, the 22nd, we go in and set up a time to induce if we haven't had him yet. Tonight is a full moon, but still nothing :) I am so ready to have him already!! Ready to be able to bend over and able to get off the couch without a fight! We'll see what happens the next couple days I guess. If we do have to induce I think we'll go with as early as we can next week... perhaps the 23rd??

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Baby Shower

We had the shower on Saturday and it was so much fun:) Got to see most of the girls on my side of the family and Kristen, Brandy and Sarah got to come too! We got some cool stuff, and got to visit for a few hours...

We have gotten a lot of our big items lately. My mom sent us money to buy an exersaucer and a pack & play that was practically new from our next door neighbor... Some friends from church gave us a stroller that fits with our carseat, so that was great!

Sarah volunteered to make our crib bedding and I am so excited about it. It is going to be a quilt made of cowboy fabric with red, blue, and tan colors to go along with it. She's also making a bumper, a dust ruffle and a diaper stacker :) My aunt Caryl took the same fabric and made an awesome diaper bag for me, too! It is precious. I'll have to put a picture of all of it when I get it here...

Tomorrow is my next doctor's appointment, then it is off to Lometa for a few days. Should be interesting if I go into labor while we are there! That'll be a long trip back, but oh well...