Thursday, February 17, 2005

fun maternity clothes websites!

Not that I'm hinting or anything, but these maternity clothes are so fun!! My favorites are the 3rd and 7th from the top... What is M.I.L.F.?? Ok, do NOT look that up on google if you don't know either!! Apparently it is not appropriate for children if you know what I mean!
Those are cute too:)

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

nothing new to report...

But I felt like writing anyway... I feel like my belly has definitely gotten bigger though you still can't really tell through my clothes. And I can tell there isn't as much room in there as there used to be cause I feel sick if I eat a normal-size meal. I have to just eat a little here and there or I feel gross! Anyway, pretty soon Shawn and I are going to go shopping for some maternity clothes. Haven't gotten around to it since I am able to get by on what i have still. More later...

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

My second doctor's appointment...

Hello all, It's been forever it seems since I last posted (sorry Brandy!) I went to my second doctor's appointment on Thursday. It was just as I suspected it would be: pretty boring... I did get to hear the heartbeat on a doppler ultrasound, and that was cool. But other than that it only took about 20 minutes from walking in the door to walking back out to my car. My first appointment it took like an hour and a half! Anyway, the heartbeat was 160bpm again... Some say that would mean it's a boy. That would make Shawn happy:)

As far as how I'm feeling, I'm feeling great! The only thing that is slightly annoying is how tired I feel. But I'm not convinced that it is truly a pregnancy thing cause you'd probably be tired too if you kept my hours! On MWF, I am out of the house at school or working for like 14 hours... And no time for naps on those days. Praise God for Tuesdays and Thursdays, and of course weekends!

I've been looking into different things like childbirth classes and I am thinking of trying to go without medication... I have looked into taking "Bradley Method" classes but not sure yet. That is a pretty big time commitment. 12 weeks, one 2 hour class a week on Sunday afternoons. Anyway, I'll try to update everyone more often! I am over 13 weeks now:)