Thursday, May 26, 2005

Well I had another doctor's appointment today, and I got to drink some sugary stuff, sit there for an hour, and then they tested my blood sugar to test for gestational diabetes. Thankfully I passed! The lady before me has to go back for a 3 hour test, plus you have to fast before that one. I won't have to worry about it though... I also got measured today, and I measured 27 cm (that is from the top of the pubic bone to the top of the uterus). The doc said that is good, normally it is 1cm for each week, and I am almost 29 weeks, but I guess that is in the normal range... I also didn't gain any weight since my last visit, which is good because I gained 9 pounds last time!

Shawn and I finally signed up for a childbirth class too. It is a one day thing, next Saturday from 8:45-5pm. Hopefully it will be an enlightening experience for both of us and it'll help us know what to expect :) That's all for now I guess.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, Marcie and Shawn: Congrats again; you are blessed; we're so excited for y'all. The u/s pics are fun to see; can't wait to see Bryce in person. How was the class? Did you tour the Med L&D? You are both always lifted up for strength and guidance; may you always know He is the Light onto your path. xxxooxxooxoxoxox, S&B