Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Thank you Mom!

Well my mom is leaving today after being at our house a whole week! She kept all four kids by herself while Shawn and I went to San Antonio for four days. And not only that but she bought us all kinds of groceries and even left fully cooked meals in the freezer!! Thank you, Mom!

The San Antonio Stock Show was fun, although we spent more time doing things other than the stock show. We went ice skating, we saw a movie, we visited the Alamo, and we braved a mirror maze. We had a lot of fun :)

I definitely missed everyone, though. When I got home Henry motioned for me to come get him and then when I put him down he screamed. Poor baby. I had just stopped by the house to drop off formula on the way back to school. I had to go put in a few more hours before I could come home. Today is school as normal, darn it. The picture is of all 6 of the kids who showed from Star.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are welcome, Marcie. I had plans for OAMC. Once A Month Cooking. I bought the groceries okay, and brought spices from my house, but who had time to cook? The best I could do was to finally cook up all that meat and freeze it. Oh, a few stuffed cabbage rolls and some cornbread doesn't count. Next time I'll not only plan the meals I am to cook, I'll plan my time better, too. You take the kids and I'll take the kitchen. Love, Mom