Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Starting a business

I am researching what it would take to open a photography business, and I am planning on trying it out this summer! So if I can get some people to take a chance and hire me, I will be making a little money off of photography! That is exciting, I just hope I can hit the ground running. The only problem I see is living in the middle of nowhere. But maybe with the right advertising that won't be a problem. I don't mind travelling, after all. If it looks like I could make some money, I might be able to jump in full-time and try to make a go of it! I have been scouring photographers' websites and looking at printing services online. I'm still looking into startup costs right now... Business cards, website hosting and setting up my own domain name (www.diamondlphotography.com?), flyers, a copy of photoshop, etc... And maybe a lens or two. We've got a couple of good ones so far.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Go for it! You need more home time. But you will finish out the year at Star, right? Love always