Tuesday, April 12, 2005

First Kick!

Well it was April 8, 2005 when I for sure felt the baby kicking for the first time. I was in my "Hispanic Culture through the 18th Century" class and we were watching a movie... A really boring movie at that! But anyway, it was pretty cool. I think that I might have felt it before but was never really sure til then, and it happened several times in a row, on the left lower part of my belly. I have found that he/she is pretty active right when I lay down at night so now it is taking longer to fall asleep but it's nice having some way to know that everything is going alright. So far Shawn hasn't been able to feel it from the outside, but hopefully soon:)

Also, we found out a while back that our good couple friends Mike & Becca are expecting their first baby on November 14th! So that is 3 months exactly from my due date.

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