Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Found a new doctor, yay!!

Well I had my ultrasound and found out my due date is March 23, 2007. And then I promptly switched doctors. I had gone to Dr. Kemper in Killeen and didn't have a very good experience there. For one thing their AC was out, so it was really hot. But then the first thing you see is a big sign that says no kids are allowed in the office! Well I had Bryce with me. So then I go in and she says "Next time you can't bring him." Thanks so much for that revelation! Anyway, then I find out I won't even be seeing the doctor. I'll be seeing the nurse practitioner. That would have been fine, except she was very abrupt, almost rude. She went through her little speech like I was the 100th person she'd seen that day, and talked about how there was a chance of a miscarriage before 12 weeks. She just acted like, "ok now my job is done. Go get some bloodwork, see ya later."

Well I was a little too spoiled by my last doctor to deal with that for the next 7 months, so I switched to Dr. Lobaugh. I am so glad I did! I went yesterday for the first time and he was super nice, answered all my questions, and acted like he actually cared what happened. He said even though it hasn't been that long since my C-section, there would be a possibility for VBAC if I decided I wanted to pursue it. Not sure if I do or not, though... I go back October 26 for the next checkup.

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