Thursday, April 26, 2007

Time flies when you are having a baby!

Well it is now 13 weeks since my last post... oops. Henry is here and he is 6 weeks old now:) Everything went great with the C-section, I got to go home the next day. I was sore, but felt good other than that. He is finally becoming a little more interactive and alert which makes it more fun having him around :)

I had to take Bryce to get shots yesterday. He had to get 3 of them and he started screaming before we even put him on the table! It was bad... But he recovered quickly and the nurse gave him a sugar-free lollipop. I think he forgave her after that. Henry is doing great and Bryce loves to give him kisses. If he sees me holding him, he asks "Holdem? Holdem?" And then he sits down with his arms open for me to lay the baby in his lap. It is really cute:)

Well, more later! I'll get some pics on here soon, too!

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