Friday, August 19, 2005


Well it is now 5 days past our due date!

I went to the doctor yesterday and no progress... So Monday, the 22nd, we go in and set up a time to induce if we haven't had him yet. Tonight is a full moon, but still nothing :) I am so ready to have him already!! Ready to be able to bend over and able to get off the couch without a fight! We'll see what happens the next couple days I guess. If we do have to induce I think we'll go with as early as we can next week... perhaps the 23rd??


BrandyNicole said...

aww poor Marcie the baby will come soon. Misty had to induce labor too. So it'll all be ok. I just can't believe he hasn't come yet.

Anonymous said...

Hurry up, already!!