Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Well, Ashilee left for Houston on Friday. She is to be gone for 3-6 months... Kind of crazy, the way the whole thing happened. It has been over a month since the fire, and her caseworker (and supervisor, etc.) decided finally to go ahead and have Ashilee complete a program in Houston to maybe help her with some coping skills. She's been through a lot in her young life.

Also, her parents gave up their rights last month, right around the same time as the fire. So they are legally free for adoption now. The only thing now is that we have to wait until she gets back so that we can wait the 6 month waiting period required before finalizing adoptions. We don't know if we can go ahead and finalize with Brytini or if we have to wait and do them together.

The one good thing is that we still get to keep in touch with letters and phone calls. Plus, as her caseworker pointed out, Ashilee has a place to go back to, unlike a lot of kids in her situation. So pray for Ashilee, and for the kids whose future is even more uncertain. With foster care, there is always a level of uncertainty, even for her...